href="about-probad.php">About Bano Prefab Concept

Bano Prefab Concept


Bano Prefab is a prefabricated bathroom pods manufacturing and supplier company. Our pods are made in steel-reinforced concrete. Prefabricated bathroom pods made in steel-reinforced concrete has many advantages compared to site-built bathrooms and other pods in light materials. We deliver bathrooms for all purposes, such as private homes, hotels, healthcare sector and student campuses. Our main focus are: quality, functionality and flexibility.

Bano Prefab’s prefabricated pods creates opportunities, not limitations

Time saving

We produce the bathrooms while you produce the rest of the building. When the pods are delivery, your custom-designed bathroom is fully finished and read to be installed.

One company

Instead of being in contact with a bricklayer, electrician, plumber etc, you only need Probad to manage it all. The result is effortless production and less administration tasks.

High Quality

Bano Prefab is approved by SINTEF. Our production ensures that our product meets all the requirements for drain inclination, sealing layer, tiling, mounting and pos-mounting.


Bano Prefab pods can take high load, and additional equipment can be installed and re-installed without any concern about nailing. The walls are capable of take load up to 500 kgs.

Simple rehabilitation

The pods can easily be rehabilitated. Tiles and sealing layer may be removed and replaced without weakening or impairing the product.


You can have a good purchasing proposal according to order quantity. Low freight costs, good stock management and efficient production process.

Waste management

Waste will be taken care of in the factory rather than at the construction site. A factor that will short down on both time and costs.

Clean construction site

The pods are tiled in the factory, needless for any bricklayer or tiler to enter the bathroom, resulting in a cleaner construction site.